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What are the innovation difficulties in the LED display industry?

Date: 2019-12-10

  • Since the development of industrial segmentation, LED display innovation has been common, but many of them are short-lived. Few products can become the "evergreen tree" in the market, especially as the market gradually saturates and the market share of screen companies continues to shrink. The industry competition is becoming increasingly difficult, so that many screen companies have begun to reduce their investment in "innovation", especially some small and medium-sized screen companies that have more pressure to survive.

    "Where does the small and medium-sized enterprises continue to invest so much, it can be considered good to survive." For some time, this sentence has become the voice of many LED screen companies.

    However, while many screen companies are still skeptical about the value and significance of innovation, some leading screen companies have begun to harvest a round of "innovation dividends", enjoy the returns brought by continuous innovation, and their performance has leapt from large-scale to high-quality. In recent years, in addition to a series of subversive and category innovations such as Liad ’s cultural tourism display, Lehman ’s COB small pitch, and Zhou Ming ’s smart LED display, Yipin ’s LED “ice screen”; A number of screen companies have promoted cross-border innovation in LED display categories, such as LED lamp pole screens combined with street lights, LED advertising machines integrated into the new retail market and other products, which have injected a lot of fresh vitality into the LED display industry.

    Therefore, we must never doubt the value and use of innovation, let alone the future and prospects of innovation.

    At present, what all manufacturers need to do is to be clear: the boundaries and areas of innovation. Do not confuse innovation with imitation and plagiarism. Instead, implant innovation in all areas of the enterprise in order to build innovation-driven systems and platforms and harvest innovation. dividend.

    In the new market form, the innovation of the LED display industry is not only a kind of consciousness, cognition, or a means and method, but also a system and driver. Innovation must be integrated into all aspects of business operations. In the end, all departments and all employees of the company's operations should be implanted, not just limited to upstream technological innovation and product development. In recent years, more and more LED screen companies are not only satisfied with innovations in technology research and development, they are also actively promoting three-dimensional innovation and layout in marketing, channels, and user services.

    For example, in recent years, screen companies such as Liad, Chau Ming, and Lehman have established a new driving system in LED display technology and intelligence, and innovated in line with market demand to accelerate the LED display from products to overall solutions. Powerful Jucai is based on the channel market and expands the distribution system through deep-cultivating channels and optimizing services ... In recent years, various methods and content innovations in the front-line market have emerged endlessly and are increasingly diversified. Many LED screen companies are not entangled in whether the innovation itself is strong or weak, whether it is more or less, but instead strive to rely on its own energy to rely on innovation to reverse the current market dilemma.

    At the same time, what is most in need of innovation, revolution and breakthrough in the LED display industry chain is user-oriented service and experience, which is also the biggest weakness and shortcoming of industry development. On the one hand, user service belongs to a typical "long investment cycle and slow return". Many manufacturers lack long-term investment and planning. On the other hand, after-sales service is easily "free". Many manufacturers are slow to find it. To profitable returns. And how to solve this problem well requires the entire industry to work together.
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