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Recently, new rules for outdoor advertising in Guangzhou have come.

Date: 2019-12-10

  • On November 27, the 15th 91st Guangzhou Municipal Executive Meeting reviewed and approved the "Special Planning for Outdoor Advertising in Guangzhou (2020-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Planning") and the "Specifications for Setting Outdoor Advertising and Signboards in Guangzhou" ( (Hereinafter referred to as "setting specifications") to re-plan and standardize the layout of outdoor advertising and signboards in Guangzhou. The two regulations respectively divide the control area, regulate the outdoor advertising area and content, control the brightness and switching time of the electronic display, and realize the quality and fine management of outdoor advertising. Facing the improvement of policies and regulations, what is the impact on LED display companies as one of the important components of outdoor advertising?

    New regulations are severe, end users are directly affected

    The “Special Plan” has a planning scope of 11 districts in Guangzhou, focusing on 29 commercial districts in the city. Outdoor commercial advertisements in the city are divided into optimized areas, strict control areas, and restricted areas for district and hierarchical control. The planning period is 2020-2025. The specification encourages the use of innovative technology and creative media for outdoor advertising settings in 29 business districts in the optimization zone, which can use a variety of content for playback, but large floor outdoor advertising settings are prohibited in the main urban area. In the strictly controlled area with normal activity, it is allowed to set up outdoor advertisements on buildings with a commercial area larger than 20,000 square meters to display content in static and dynamic form, and the playback speed needs to be slow and continuous. In restricted areas, outdoor advertising is forbidden in principle, and those that meet the permitted conditions should be implemented in accordance with the control requirements of strictly controlled areas. In addition, the "Setting Regulations" stipulate that outdoor electronic display screens cannot be installed in disguise using window advertisements. The electronic display screens must not be turned on during the period from 22:30 to 7:30 the next day. From the perspective of humanism, strict outdoor control is required. The layout and settings of advertisements improve the viewing quality of outdoor advertisements. The above is only a brief description. For more detailed regulations, please refer to "Special Planning" and "Setting Specifications".

    As an important component of modern outdoor advertising, LED display screens are scattered all over the city's streets and streets. It has a high-tech sense and flexible form, which highlights the vitality of outdoor advertising. The operator of the outdoor LED display screen-the end user needs to obtain the corresponding income by playing advertisements. The strict control zone and the prohibition zone in the above regulations restrict the display mode of the LED display content, which may lead to the reduction of commercial advertisements on the display screen in this area, and even cause the wastage of display screens in this area. In addition, as far as the market is concerned, Guangzhou is a famous first-tier city with a long history in China and one of the largest traditional markets for LED displays in China. The introduction of outdoor advertising planning and setting in Guangzhou has reduced the display market in Guangzhou to 29 The scope of the business circle reduces the market capacity and reduces the confidence of LED display companies entering the Guangzhou market.

    Improving creative and innovative ability

    With the promotion of the "Beautiful City" policy, cities and towns have been vigorously transformed to transform their appearance and appearance. As an advertising medium for outdoor display, it is naturally unavoidable. Therefore, it is understandable for Guangzhou to introduce relevant policies. However, Guangzhou encourages the use of innovative technology and creative media to set up outdoor advertising in 29 business districts. This is a great time for the development of creative special-shaped screens, which strongly promotes LED screen companies to enhance their innovative and creative capabilities. Therefore, companies with research and development capabilities can start with creativity and start from innovation, build LED creative special-shaped screens with a sense of creativity and technology, settle in major business districts in Guangzhou, build business districts to punch cards, increase the flow of people in the business district, and achieve a common trilateral win. In addition, Guangzhou will also clean up a group of outdoor LED displays that do not comply with regulations and have quality problems, prompting LED display companies to pay more attention to the quality of the display, increase humanistic care, and effectively promote the harmonious coexistence of LED displays and people. In addition to Guangzhou, other regions also have relevant regulations with local characteristics. Therefore, when LED screen companies enter the market, they need to "adhere to the customs" and strictly follow the relevant local regulations to reduce obstacles to market development.

    With the development of science and technology, the display methods in the future will become more extensive. In order to adapt to the new display methods, related policies and regulations will continue to change with the trend. Therefore, enterprises, including LED screen companies, need to follow the trend of development, follow the policy to find new growth points, and promote the company's new development.
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