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Indoor P2.5 small-pitch LED display enters Shajing Xinfengyuan Industrial Park

Date: 2019-12-10

  • As LED display technology becomes more mature, small-pitch LED displays have become so common that they have entered millions of households at low prices and have met the most basic indoor high-definition display effects.

    The small-pitch LED display is a collective name for a complete set of LED display systems, including LED display systems, high-definition display control systems, and cooling systems. The small-pitch LED display adopts pixel-level point control technology to realize the state control of the brightness, color reducibility and uniformity of the display pixel unit. In the production process of the display screen, an automatic reflow soldering process is used, and no manual post-soldering is required. Improved screen stability and quality.

Indoor full-color die-cast aluminum box P2.604LED display screen
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