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Jinghui answer, what is the pixel pitch of the LED display?

Date: 2019-11-18

  • LED displays are no stranger to those who care about the display industry, but what is the pixel pitch? What is the significance of it? Not everyone can answer it accurately. The following is the view given by Jinghui Smart Optoelectronics:

    First, what is the pixel pitch?

    Pixel pitch describes the density of pixels (LED cells) on an LED display and is related to resolution, sometimes referred to as dot pitch, specifically the distance from the center of a pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel ( In millimeters). Since the pixel pitch reflects the size of the space between two pixels, a smaller pixel pitch means less space between pixels, in other words, higher pixel density and higher screen resolution. rate.

    Key points:
    1\pixel spacing refers to the density of pixels
    2\The smaller the pixel pitch, the closer the viewing distance
    3\Screen* viewing distance also reflects the pixel spacing value
    4\pixel spacing is important because it affects viewing distance
    5\smaller pixel pitch represents higher pixel density and higher resolution

    Second, why is pixel spacing so important?
    Note that although higher pixel densities can improve visual quality, this does not mean that in any case, smaller pixel pitches are an ideal choice. The extra pixel density is intended to provide a closer viewing distance. At higher viewing distances, higher pixel densities lose their visual advantage and increase cost.

    Pixel spacing is important because it affects the viewing distance of the display. Lower pixel spacing values enable images to achieve smoother edges and finer detail. This allows the viewer to get closer to the screen and enjoy a clear image without seeing the individual pixels. In determining the viewing distance and pixel pitch, the thumb rule means that a smaller pixel pitch is equivalent to a smaller viewing distance. Conversely, a larger pixel pitch will also increase by * small viewing distance. Therefore, a 1.2mm screen will have a higher resolution and a smaller * viewing distance than a 16mm screen.

    Third, what kind of pixel spacing can meet our needs?
    Smaller pixel pitches usually provide higher resolution but are more expensive. Material and production costs are higher because they require more LED cells to create higher pixel densities.

    So the question is, what kind of pixel spacing is appropriate? The answer is that the consumer can determine the *pixel spacing value of the LED screen by determining the * viewing distance of the screen. The so-called *viewing distance refers to the critical point of image fidelity. If the observer is too close, the image quality will be degraded or the screen will be pixelated.

    For example, a display with an interactive touch scheme requires a smaller pixel pitch to provide a clear image to neighboring viewers. LED screens that are played in front of the public, such as LED screens suspended on the stage, can use a higher pixel pitch. Simply put, a smaller pixel pitch provides a higher quality image, but if the screen is farther away from the viewer, then additional investment is not necessary.

    The industry typically uses three methods to determine acceptable viewing distances:

    10x rule: This is a quick way to calculate an approximate estimate of the visually sensitive distance.

    The calculation formula is: pixel pitch × 10 = approximate viewing distance (in feet)

    Visually Sensitive Distance: Also known as retinal distance, a person with 20/20 vision who wants to see the LED screen present a coherent image rather than a pixelated image and must be at a distance from the screen.

    The calculation formula is: pixel pitch × 3438 = visually sensitive distance (in feet)

    Average Comfort Viewing Distance: This is an estimate of the comfortable viewing distance for most people. This is a subjective estimate and will take into account variables such as human eye line of sight, content resolution and content type.

    Although these methods are somewhat instructive, there is no such thing as a correct answer when determining the viewing distance. The viewing distance of the screen* will ultimately depend on whether the owner of the screen feels comfortable.

    Small-pitch full-color LED display, Jinghui Intelligent Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is dedicated to serve you! Www.dmgled.cn
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